Spiritual Regeneration is an organization dedicated to offering various yogic practices and meditation techniques to everyone who aspires to attain happiness, inner peace, and a healthy lifestyle.
Transcendental Meditation as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is a simple, natural technique practiced for 15-20 minutes morning and evening, while sitting comfortably with eyes close. During Transcendental Meditation the mind effortlessly transcends mental activity and experiences pure consciousness at the source of thought, while the body experiences a unique state of restfulness. Stress, which hinders creative thinking and dynamic activity is naturally dissolved- resulting in better health, more happiness and success.
Learn moreThe Transcendental Meditation technique opens the awareness to Transcendental Consciousness, the Unified Field of Natural Law, which is the basis of everyone’s awareness. The TM-Sidhi program cultures the ability to think and act from this level. By learning to function from this self-referral state of pure consciousness, which is the total potential of Natural Law, the mind gains increasing support of the Nature for the fulfillment of desires. With the TM-Sidhi program, co-ordination between mind and body is greatly enhanced and thought and action become more accord with the evolutionary power of Natural Law. This results in greater skill in action -- the ability to fulfill one’s desires naturally while effortlessly promoting the evolution of everyone and everything.
Learn moreThrough the Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation program, the totality of Natural law is more quickly and profoundly integrated in the awareness. As the conscious mind becomes more and more infused with pure consciousness, a powerful influence of integration and bliss is created. Every phase of thought and action spontaneously becomes more supported by the evolutionary power of Natural Law resulting in greater fulfillment of desires in daily life.
Learn moreTranscendental meditation is a very simple, effortless technique where the mind begins to settle down into an extremely calm and wise state of rest. The mind experiences its own finer impressions, finer thoughts, and then finally transcends the finest thought into a state of bliss and pure consciousness.
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