TM Retreat

TM Retreat

A TM Weekend Retreat (or World Peace Assembly for practitioners of the TM) provides the opportunity to spend 3 days gaining deep, revitalizing rest through a structured program of extended TM practice along with profound knowledge about the development of higher states of human consciousness. This unique experience of deep silence results in a dramatic reduction of accumulated stress and tension. Participants in TM Retreats report that even one such retreat boosts energy, clarity, happiness, and health for months afterwards. The course is held in a settled, relaxed atmosphere, away from home and work responsibilities. The relaxed daily routine of a TM  Retreat includes: Extended periods of your TM practice, including group meditations. Time for in-depth questions and answers on the different experiences you are having during meditation and in daily life. Personal instruction in easy-to-practice Sukshma Vyayama, as well as a simple neuro-respiratory technique called Pranayama. These gentle mind/body programs are effective in helping to remove surface stress and strain, smoothing the way to deeper TM practice. All of this is enjoyed in a peaceful, pleasant atmosphere, in the company of other meditators. You will enjoy Sattvik vegetarian meals with your fellow course participants. The cost for Retreats is kept to a minimum to allow as many people as possible to attend. Many TM practitioners take time for a TM Retreat on a regular basis. They report that just one weekend of a TM Retreat offers revitalization that lasts for months. Stress and tension melt away even more quickly, providing a deeper foundation for the development of higher states of consciousness. The deposit of Rs 3500 includes the Hall rent and meals for three days.

Date:Fri Feb 03 2023 (08:00 AM-06:00 PM)

Location:House no:91, Swahid Dilip Huzuri Path, Swaraj Nagar, Sarumotoria, Guwahati, Assam