Transcendental Meditation Siddhi Program (TM SIDDHI)

The TM Sidhi Program is the key to heavenly life on earth. This is because it trains the conscious mind to function from bliss consciousness, the self-referral state of pure consciousness, which is the total potential of Natural Law. It trains the awareness to function in the same self-interacting style as the intelligence of Nature. Functioning from this level the individual gains mastery over Natural Law. With this perfect science and technology of Natural law, we are in a position to accomplish anything – we are in a position to create Heaven on Earth.


Transcendental Meditation Siddhi Program (TM SIDDHI)

The Transcendental Meditation technique opens the awareness to Transcendental Consciousness, the Unified Field of Natural Law, which is the basis of everyone’s awareness. The TM-Sidhi program cultures the ability to think and act from this level. By learning to function from this self-referral state of pure consciousness, which is the total potential of Natural Law, the mind gains increasing support of the Nature for the fulfillment of desires. With the TM-Sidhi program, co-ordination between mind and body is greatly enhanced and thought and action become more accord with the evolutionary power of Natural Law. This results in greater skill in action -- the ability to fulfill one’s desires naturally while effortlessly promoting the evolution of everyone and everything.