The administrator of the body, the mind, has to be in true with that cosmic administrator, so that whatever isolated fluctuations of the mind, they will never be out of alignment with cosmic mind. To stabilize and pose of mind with the cosmic pose of infinity is the purpose of Asana. That means create a habit through the program of Yoga Asanas that whatever be the state of the body, it is never out of alignment with the cosmic physiology.
The TM Sidhi Program is the key to heavenly life on earth. This is because it trains the conscious mind to function from bliss consciousness, the self-referral state of pure consciousness, which is the total potential of Natural Law. It trains the awareness to function in the same self-interacting style as the intelligence of Nature. Functioning from this level the individual gains mastery over Natural Law. With this perfect science and technology of Natural law, we are in a position to accomplish anything – we are in a position to create Heaven on Earth.